you know today my name is lames hezbowie i work as a learning advisor for career and student success programs here at pearson we would like to thank you for taking the time to join our webinar today and we'd like to have this webinar as a very interactive webinar so feel free to write your comments asking questions um whenever you need please type it in the chat box you have it on your right side and i will do my best to answer your question um during the webinar or at the end of the webinar so thanks again for joining well um how to help students make the link between academic success and career plans why do we need to create this link why do we basically need students to go beyond academic knowledge and to go beyond college itself to think what else should i do at this stage so today we will be talking about skills gap soft skills framework and then we will be discussing the link between the academic success and career plans and finally we will cover student success program first of all i'd like to share with you some statistics that we gather from our global survey conducted in pearson we found that we have around 78 individuals say that they need to do or to develop more their own soft skills we have ninety percent of uh graduate recruiters said the soft skills are between the ones uh or the top three uh ones uh or the top three factors they're looking at it when hiring people 90 percent of individual whom we surveyed said that communication were one of the most important skills needed to go ahead in life now only that we have 60 percent of hiring managers say that fresh graduates lack critical thinking and 50 percent of managers say that fresh graduates are not really so why did we start with these statistics the idea of creating the link between your academic plan and between your career path first of all it's divided into two parts the first part is to think um am i going through the right major um am i studying the the the program that i really want uh that the market want uh what am i gonna do once i graduate what are the positions that i'm gonna apply to that's the first part we need to think of the second part we have to focus on is the soft skills do i have the right skills to pass the interview do i do i have the right skills to make potential employer go through my resume do i have the right skills to communicate with people so making the link between your academic plan and between your career path does not only depend on the major that you're studying which courses are you going to take when are you going to take it it is also depend on you are you equipping yourself with the right skills we're talking here about hard skills and soft skills as well am i equipping myself as a student with the right soft skills that is requested by the workplace that's why i i wanted to share the statistics with you at the beginning to highlight the importance of soft skills what are soft skills softer skills basically the skills that we need to communicate with people to perform our daily tasks as a at a an excellent level in tierson soft-scale 21st century skills we call it personal and social capability is a framework we have done an extensive research for a 21st century framework for um employers um requested skills or the the skills they demand we've done an extensive also research for the workplace requirement so we've done a research for the last 15 years to come up with this framework the identify six skills buckets and if each and every one of us including the students are able either to gain these skills or to capitalize on these skills they are capable of succeeding in any employment setting what are these skills as you can see it's communication critical and creative thinking leadership self-management social responsibility collaboration and teamwork so these are the skills buckets that we identify in pearson through our personal and social capabilities if i work since then every single solution we've developed in pearson is based on our framework to make sure in a way or another students are able to practice the skill or able to identify the skill or able to assist themselves to see whether they have the skill or they don't and what to do in order to acquire the skills they need then we've after we've un identified um the framework and based on our survey we knew that there is a gap there is a gap between um graduates and workplace there is a gap between high school and college so let me focus at the second gap which is between high school and college at the beginning what's happening is we have thousand if not million of students graduating every year and they are looking forward to join college so what happened during the first year many of these students start doubting like why did i join college why am i why i don't just go and apply for work um why did i join this major um what do i want to do next um i don't like this university so all of these questions comes up in the student's mind uh without a reason so suddenly they will start asking themselves these questions so if they're lacking motivation if they're lacking the why first of all they will uh think uh like for what to do now shall i follow the easiest decision which is dropping out of college or dropping this course or dropping and this basically what's happening i've seen um a record of dr david and i will tell you um just in a few who's dr david he said the highest percentage of students dropping out of school as a during the first year which is during the transition year as as he called it so during the first year students start understanding more what is college what do i need to do so if we are able to equip our students with the wise like why are you actually joining this major why are you here um and why uh uh you decided uh uh to pursue with this particular program then students would start up like reassuring to themselves like exactly that's why i wanted to do that so he will keep or she will keep going so first of all we need to keep them motivated we need to keep them aware of what they need to do and why they need to do it then once they graduate from school they they work really hard to join the workplace and what's happening based on the survey as well many graduates are being pushed back by different industries saying that those uh graduates or those um students are not really are not ready to join the workplace how come they're not ready if they've been studying for five for four or five years so academically they already but they're not ready in terms of the skills to join the workplace that is the main link we wanna discuss today to to make between your academic plan and your career plans so what we've done in pearson we've identified the gap and we identified the three parties and included in this gap individuals education systems and employers for individuals we want them to go beyond college to think what should they do to demonstrate competencies for the education system here for institution for schools as well what can we do to make sure our curriculum focuses on equipping these students with soft skills and for potential employer or for employers to learn more how to look for talented students how to identify those talented students and definitely to keep sharing with us what do they need what are the skills they are looking at so after we identified the gap in pearson we've worked on forming our partnership with dr david dr david has been in the research for college and career readiness for more than 35 years and the reason for that we've partnered with dr david to design a solution for the students to learn more about what are the skills that they have what are the skills that i need and how can i work about it so basically our solution which is student success program is we've designed it in a way that is similar to my lab i don't know if some of you have used pearson my lab before but pearson my lab is just as you know or you don't know maybe i'm just sharing this information with you is this trusted partner basically we've helped more than 11 million students to reach out up to the true meaning of the courses they are taking and to improve basically their lives through learning specifically student success lab it is designed to help students start to strong and finish stronger what do i mean by that throughout the program journey students will learn how to acquire the skills they need for ongoing personal and professional development so basically here we've designed student success program with dr david what is a student success program basically is a learning outcome based technology designed in a way to help students advance knowledge and build critical skills for success how do we do that of course with the support of dr david we've designed formative assessment to shape the students learning journey and to help them measure the gain and loses throughout this journey so um definitely the way the program work it is very dynamic and systematic at the same time students will be able to first of all assess who they are assess what do i need assess how do i do it all of that with support of dr david of course dr david um is educational uh uh of policy and leadership at the university of oregon and also he worked for the ministry of education in the us the first step that we've done to make the link between your academic plan and your career path we have embedded the cri the colony readiness index inventory assessment within our student success program and the reason for that we want the students to get an insight into their own learning style learn more about their strengths and basically specific opportunities for improvement how do how do they do that they do it through it through identifying different strategies to help them achieve success in college and career so the assessment we've embedded into the system it has or it provides students with um first of all a personalized report through evaluation and giving them kind of profiles about themselves so every single student will get the likelihood of success and will be able to learn more um on how to work about the the area of development through an actionable plan provided with the program it's sorry provided with the assessment itself so what do we do basically the assessment to start with assessing student strength area of development and then we provide them with different steps and techniques in order to know how to work about it how to gain it how to capitalize on your strength how to make sure that you're developing your weaknesses and then the program will give them or sorry the report will give them um kind of personal information about how do you spend your day how many hours do you spend on gaming on playing on um on spending time with your friends so it's like a mirror for you to tell you how to work uh how do you spend your day how could you spend your day more efficiently so basically the way dr david also designed this assessment the cri designed it in a way where he basically assess as he's mentioned the fundamental building block of success so also although we give students a comprehensive uh information about who they are and what do they need every single information is built on on the four keys of success which is think no act and go so basically it starts with assessing key cognitive strategies for the students and then key content knowledge how do you act on it what are the learning skills that you have and last but not least how do you go about it the transition skills here we have a brie oh sorry a sample of the report that students would receive um as i've mentioned students would basically learn right from the first day they joined the college how to make the link between their academic plans and their career path because this particular report will give them like a career aspiration will tell them why they are motivated why do they need to be motivated will make the link basically between their college and career so it is very important to ask students to take this assessment in the first year of college to learn more about what do i need to do to succeed in my college journey and to better prepare myself to the workplace and then what we've done with dr david basically we have translated the four keys of success into 20 different skills all are advised and localized um so it is safe to be used in our region those are 20 skills that we identified for students to work on to make sure that they're able to succeed in college and definitely after that in career of course a program that would help students to make the link is fully customized so if you would like to focus on different skills we can help you doing so if you would like to arrange for example for a meeting with us a week that you're more than welcome definitely we can support you and identifying the most needed skills for your students definitely the program is adaptable so it is it shows the students also the skills that they need to work on so we've implemented this program in many universities and schools here in the region and so far we have a very positive feedback about it because it really helps the students to make progress in their lives once students completed the program this is just for your information once they completed the program successfully and they have mastered skills they will be receiving a badge this badge will identify um uh oh sorry will prove to the potential employer that they are ready they are well equipped with soft skills required or requested by the working place this badge can be shared on any social media website so they can add it to their twitter instagram snapchat whatever application they want however it's mandatory to be shared on linkedin and the reason for that we want to make sure that they are aware of linkedin right from year one or even if they're still at the high school because throughout the college we help them how to uh build an attractive linkedin profile and they can duplicate this on any uh e-profile they want to create but the the main idea here is to show them the importance of developing or creating an attractive link and profile the potential employer can easily all right so let's know if you have any question at this stage so so far we covered three uh points in our um webinar the first one is what are the soft skills and we've highlighted the importance of soft skills the statistic i shared with you guys choices as um really a huge demand for these skills so it's very important in a way or another it becomes our responsibilities to make sure those students are aware of this and know the how of acquiring these skills and then we've highlighted the link between uh your students or not your students academic plan and their career path and the way they do it easily is through um scientific assessment and through a skilled journey that we have designed that simply for pearson to uh for students uh um to to join uh um of course anytime they would like but also to ensure that they have the tool they need to acquire these skills it's very easy to say that hey you need communication skills or you're not really presentable or you're not um like a public speaker or you don't know how to talk to people or you don't know how to manage your time you don't respect others all of these kind of feedback we usually hear from people it is important but what is what's more important than that is to how to be aware first of the of myself who really am i what are my values what are the skills that i have what are the skills that i lack so when i hear this from people i either accept it and i say i know i have this i am working on it and i i thank you for your feedback i'm making sure that as um i am really aware of this for next time for example uh or more aware of this but i assure you i am working on it or if you're not aware of yourself you don't know your values you don't know who you really are simply you will start defending and say of course i am not of course i know how to communicate with people of course i respect other and you start something and maybe losing the opportunity of improving yourself but imagine there is no human being interaction at this stage imagine students are able to assess who they are using a scientific assessment to tell them that this these are the things that you're good at and these are the things that you lack and you need to work on so imagine uh there is no kind i wouldn't be embarrassed i wouldn't be shy because all are systematic so i would know who am i and then i will i'll i'll work on because that i really need to acquire and develop throughout an adoptable journey and then which will make me ready basically to succeed in college and career so when somebody comes to tell you hey you're not really a good communicator you can't say hey hold on what makes you say that because you're fully aware that you're a really really good communicator and you know how to communicate with others so maybe that the other person is only criticizing so you need to stop that particular person and ask him what makes you say that give me an example and start clarifying more of uh okay why did i do that is because of one two three and you would reach that point only when you're really aware of your skills and um what do you need and what are you good at i will answer all of your questions shortly