The total mass of the cell .the special importance of phospholipids and cholesterol in the cell is highlighted because they generally don't dissolve in water and therefore they form membrane barriers separating the various compartments within the cell .Scientists have divided the cells into two groups.namely :the primordial cells, as. it is evident from the previous figure that the eukaryotic cells are larger than the prokaryotic cells and their size may exceed a hundred times.cells are the basic units of all living things.they come in different shapes and also differs based on the function it performs in living creaturesAll cells share a morphological characteristics, the cell membrane ,as in the following figureThe cell membrane is a special barriers that helps control what goes into and out of the cell.cells usually have a number of common function .in addition to phospholipids and cholesterol , somes cells contain large amounts of triglycerides called neutralizing lipids.the proportion of triglycerides in fat cells is about 95% by mass .usually,a small amount of sugars are stored in cells in the form of glycogen which is an insoluble polymer of glucose that can be used in the cells to generate energy in them The basic types of hive .Polysaccharides: carbohydrates generally have few anabolic function in the cell , except for being part of the glycoprotein molecules.However, sugars are always present as glucose in the extracellular fluid surrounding cells and are readii available for use in cells .The fat stored in these cells represents the body's main store of energy- generating nutrients, which can be analyzed and used when the body needs energy.Most of the cells in the human body don't maintain large stores of sugars The sugar reserve in it may reach only 1% of it's total mass ,but this reserve increases to 3% in muscle cells ,and sometimes this reserve reaches 6% in liver cells .cells also break down molecules to produce the energy needed for metabolismThe cell membrane is a special barriers that helps control what goes into and out of the cell.cells usually have a number of common function .for example, all cells contain genetic material that gives information and instructions to the cell to produce the materials it needs.for example, all cells contain genetic material that gives information and instructions to the cell to produce the materials it needs.cells also break down molecules to produce the energy needed for metabolism .but it plays a major role in nourishing the cell.