Aeromodeling is an exciting hobby.Jet-powered models are sophisticated aircraft.Aeromodels can even perform aerobatics in the sky!Radio-controlled airplanes come in all shapes and sizes: from the Mini Flyer-plane with a wingspan of 9 inches (23 centimeters), to the huge passenger jet models with a 29 1/2 -foot (9-meter) wingspan.At these competitions, f liers usually do a series of actions with their planes, including launchings, landings, and doing maneuvers in the air.Jet models alwaysattract large crowds at aeromodeling competitions.They no longer f ly planes that are attached to two cables and that f ly in circles around them.Nowadays, with the advances in technology, the big thing is radio-controlled airplanes.These models f ly like real aircraft and are an aeromodeler's ultimate dream.These jet models can travel at speeds of 236 miles (380 kilometers) per hour--that's more than the top speed of a Formula 1 race car.Most people no longer f ly the old elastic-propelled planes.People control the movement of the planes through radio signals.There are different methods of propulsion, or ways to power the planes.They all have one common interest--the love of f lying small-sized airplanes.