Saha et al., (2020), identified that ethical leadership relates in a positive manner to organisational outcomes such as turnover and employee satisfaction and also has a "direct positive impact on CSR and direct and indirect impact on firm performance". It may enhance commitment and satisfaction and essentially reduce conflict and turnover. Decuypere & Schaufeli (2020) argued that leadership might promote employee engagement, enhance productivity and accentuate brand reputation. The Healthcare Organisations which essentially engage in the overall ethical behavior may attract customer loyalty by essentially staying true to their identified mission statements and the identified organisational values. Decuypere & Schaufeli (2020) identified that "ethical leaders are theorised to stimulate engagement through role clarification, the organisational culture, empowerment, identification with the supervisor, and psychological ownership".Ethical leadership is extremely mandated for any firm as it majorly leads to superior performance by team members, enhances motivation and morale among the members, along with helping the organisation respond to change.Ethical leadership often influences the culture of an organisation.Therefore, it can be understood that leadership facilitates organisational success by essentially creating certain responsibilities and major accountability amongst the members of the particular organisation.Hence, companies that often portray strong ethics may attract customers to their services and products.The culture of the company often influences the moral judgment of the identified employees and the stakeholders.Companies that often work to create a certain ethical culture motivate all their subordinates to speak and act with integrity and honesty.