Passepartout arrived in Yokohama* on the Carnatic on 13th November with no money and only the clothes that he was wearing.He was still angry about everything that had happened in Hong Kong."! The master needed a new acrobat that same afternoon, so Passepartout got the job - and some colourful clothes to put on. It was an important job, too. He had to stand very still while other acrobats climbed up and stood on top of him, higher and higher. But then Passepartout noticed something amazing: Phileas Fogg and Aouda were in the audience! He was so surprised that he suddenly moved. And with that, all the acrobats above crashed to the floor! The circus people were very angry, but Fogg paid the master some money, and so Passepartout was allowed to go. 'But you weren't on the Carnatic, so how did you reach Japan?' Passepartout asked. Fogg explained. 'When we missed the Carnatic in Hong Kong, Mr Fix, Aouda and I took a small boat to Shanghai instead. Then we caught the San Francisco steamship from there and it brought us here this morning. It doesn't leave for America till this evening, so I decided to look for you".And as the General Grant was one of the fastest ships in the world, it was expected to cross the enormous Pacific Ocean in 21 days or less.He followed the clown to a brightly painted theatre that was a kind of circus.Passepartout replied.'I'm the strongest!'