Abstract Background: Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF), an autoinflammatory disease, is characterized by self-limited inflammatory attacks of fever and polyserositis along with high acute phase response.Conclusion: Since carriers of FMF show significantly elevated levels of serum TNF alpha, IL-1, and IL-6, FMF patients who failed colchicine were successfully treated with anti IL-1, anti IL-6, or TNF inhibitors drugs.Main body: Like many autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases, many colchicine-resistant or intolerant FMF cases have been successfully treated with biologics.Keywords: Autoinflammatory diseases; Biologics; Colchicine resistance; Familial Mediterranean fever.Although colchicine remains the mainstay in treatment, intolerance and resistance in a certain portion of patients have been posing a problem for physicians.It is best to use colchicine in combination with biologics.