Oil is one of the most important natural wealth sought by a number of countries such as in Oman and Gcc countries the world, and the discovery of oil for the first time marked a turning point and a major shift in the economies of the countries in which it was discovered; The reasons for the drop in oil prices, the International Energy Agency reports that oil prices have seen a marked decline in the world markets, which has affected the economy of a number of countries, especially those exporting oil, and the reports indicated that what actually happened and affected that the markets have seen a surplus of Oil in terms of supply, which has led to large volumes and thus lower oil prices to their lowest levels.effect on global GDP.Unprecedented economic policies when taxes are imposed on goods and services, and low oil prices negatively affect oil companies, The main reasons for this significant decline are the decline in global demand for oil as production volumes remain stable.To predict demand, forecasts for travel from AAA are used to determine potential gasoline use.