Experts say that Israel's bombing of the World Central Kitchen relief team could not have been a mistake, but rather an attempt to prevent supplies from reaching civilians in the Gaza Strip by intimidating international humanitarian institutions into stopping work as part of a systematic ethnic cleansing plan .Al-Barghouthi added that the incident "could not have been a mistake and that he was killed with premeditation to intimidate all humanitarian institutions to prevent them from working in particular, and to prevent the arrival of aid within the ethnic cleansing plan that Israel is implementing on the ground with a clear American-British partnership," noting that the Israeli army killed 196 relief workers during this war. Therefore, Corbyn believes that what happened must be subject to an independent international investigation away from Israel, which is not investigating any of its crimes, calling on the United States, Britain, and France to condemn what happened clearly and unambiguously. In addition - Corbin says - there are more than 30 thousand martyrs and the complete destruction of schools and hospitals, which confirms that Israel is not concerned with the decisions of the International Court of Justice, which requires the issuance of a decision to stop the war by the United Nations, otherwise what is happening will continue and Israel will "annex the Gaza Strip."And turning it into Israeli settlements." Corbyn believes that the world must reject what is happening in Gaza and in the West Bank as well, in terms of settlement and the seizure of Palestinian lands and property. Regarding the position of the countries whose citizens were killed, Al-Barghouti said that the entire international position is characterized by humiliation, complicity, and the feeling that Israel has become above international law after it repudiated the resolutions of the UN Security Council and the Court of Justice, and is acting in the manner of a "rogue state."Ing, and that Washington's continued provision of weapons, support and political cover to enable Israel to continue bombing Gaza represents a clear violation of the decision of the international Court of Justice and the Geneva Protocol.Organized attack The same opinion was held by the Secretary-General of the Palestinian National Initiative, Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi, who said that we are facing an organized attack; Because 3 bombing operations took place in 3 different locations and they all targeted the same team that was known and was moving in coordination with the Israeli army.