Students abroadCase studies> Steven Marshall Name: Steven Marshall Oregon, USA So, Steven, why did you decide to spenda year studying abroad?School: Concordia University, Well, generally I thought it would be an adventure and a great learning opportunity to live in a totally diferent culture.Mexicans are very warm, outgoing people and my hosts have been treating me like part of their family.Ive also been learning to slow down and relax and take an aftemoon siesta after a big lunch, like the rest of the family!It's been fantastic living in one of Mexico's oldest cities, too, with its beautful 16th century architecture.I chose Mexico because I have been learming Spanish now for three years and I wanted to improve my language skills.I's very ditficult to choose just a few, but one of the best things has definitely been the experience of Iiving with a host family.During my first week, they invited their whole family for dinner to meet me, and it was fun (but quite overwhelming) trying to answer all their questions in Spanish.