Solutions to Problems in Cloud Computing Adoption and Impact in Education: Bridging the digital divide: Government investment: Increased public funding for infrastructure development can expand internet access in underserved areas.Promote digital literacy: Integrate digital literacy skills development into curricula to equip students with the necessary skills to navigate the online world safely and effectively.Maximizing positive impacts: Develop innovative pedagogy: Train educators to effectively utilize cloud-based tools and platforms to design engaging and personalized learning experiences.Avoiding vendor lock-in: Multi-cloud strategies: Utilize services from multiple vendors to reduce dependence on a single provider and increase flexibility.Negotiate exit clauses: When entering into contracts with cloud providers, ensure clear and favorable exit clauses to facilitate switching vendors if necessary.Protecting data and privacy: Robust security measures: Implement strong encryption, access controls, and intrusion detection systems to protect data from unauthorized access.Low-cost internet initiatives: Collaborations between educational institutions, internet service providers, and non-profit organizations can offer subsidized internet plans for students.Incident response planning: Develop and regularly update a plan for responding to cyberattacks to minimize damage and ensure quick recovery.Offline learning alternatives: Provide access to downloadable content and offline-compatible tools for students with limited internet access.