Chal is a kind of fermented camel milk and a candidate for usage as a functional food.Beneficial health effects of these peptides include immunomodulatory activities, antioxidative activities , antimicrobial , opioid mineral binding , and ACE inhib- itory activities .Chal is typically prepared by fermentation of camel milk, by adding the previously fermented acidic milk as inoculums, in earthenware jug for 1 or 2 days depending on the season of the production in Iran.The antioxidant properties demonstrated in fermented bovine and camel milk suggest that beside their nutritional value, they are also potential candidates for functional and novel foods to improve health through nutrition .Therefore, the aim of this study was to isolate wild strains of LAB from Chal and compare their antioxidant activities during the fermentation of camel and bovine milk to produce new functional foods.Accordingly, using lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains to improve fermentation under controlled conditions is an important step in producing camel fermented milk .