Lecture Worldview and Identity Lesson plan: o Worldview as a complex mechanism o Social identity o Worldview of Russian civilization as a system.Pentabasis-civilizationalRussia code o National and identity politics 1.Worldview as a complex mechanism Worldview is a system of views on the objective world and man's place in it, on man's attitude to the reality around him and to himself.Traditional values: o In the "Fundamentals of State Policy for the Preservation and Strengthening of Traditional Russian Spiritual and Moral Values", approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 9, 2022, these traditional values are specifically named: o - life, dignity, human rights and freedoms; o - patriotism, citizenship, service to the Fatherland and responsibility for its fate; o - high moral ideals; o - a strong family; o - creative work; o - priority of the spiritual over the material; o - humanism, mercy, justice, collectivism, mutual assistance and mutual respect; o - historical memory and continuity of generations; o - unity of the peoples of Russia. Value core: o Traditional values constitute the value core of the Russian sociocultural world. In accordance with the set proposed in the Decree, we can distinguishvalue core:faith, economy, economy, service, conciliarity,sovereignty, truth, justice, love, compassion, conscience, freedom as good will, beauty, human dignity. Value consensus o Consolidationsociety is determined by "value consensus" - recognition of the significance of each component of the value core and the importance of its preservation as a whole, because all the values included in it are interconnected.States arise through trust and successfully develop on the basis of trust, which ensures stability and sustainability of social development."Confidence"as a value there is recognition of the competence and effectiveness of government, its openness, respectful attitude towards people, the unity of goals of government and society, "consent to democratic procedures" (elections). Country (patriotism) o In a "country" where "person", "family", "society" are under the protection and management of the "state", an understanding of the value of what has been achieved is naturally formed, a desire to preserve and strengthen achievements, that is"patriotism", which at the level of value settings means "to identify oneself with the country, to connect one's life with the country, to see the future of one's children in it," "to be proud of the country," "to understand the importance of protecting the integrity, sovereignty, and independence of Russia's path."o However, firstly, it is very likely that faith will degenerate into various superstitions from primitive witchcraft and the search for the devil inbarcodeto very serious political options, when the state, an individual (leader), tradition, "people, etc." are sanctified or deified. o Secondly, faith should not turn into fanaticism, manifested in the aggressive propagation of one's views and intolerance towards others. It is fanaticism that often gives rise to various forms of extremism. o Third, maintain a balance of faith and critical reflection in relation to anything or anyone, including in relation to values. Violation of this balance leads, on the one hand, to sociocultural chaos, and on the other, to the despotism of the state or person, in which "holiness" is personified.Universal concepts and value dominants o Since each of the elements "Pentabasis"is one of the most generalized, universal concepts, it makes sense to highlightvalue dominants,having decisive significance for the listed factors and structures of socio-historical development (organization of social life). Man (creation). o "Creation" as a dominant value in human development is revealed as "success", "self-actualization"", "dependence of success and well- being on personal efforts", "orientation towards personal growth and development", "civic self-awareness", "awareness of oneself as a part of society, country, state."Main directions of national policy: - legislative reinforcement of respectful attitude towards people of all nationalities and ethnic groups; - creation of the most favorable conditions for the free development of all peoples, coordination of national interests; - prevention and humane resolution of interethnic conflicts; - assistance in the development of the cultural identity of each people while maintaining the historical integrity of Russia.o Constitutional foundations of the national policy of the Russian Federation: o - prohibition of any form of restriction of the rights of a citizen based on nationality; o - timely and peaceful resolution of contradictions and conflicts; o - promoting the development of national cultures and languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation; o - protection of the rights and interests of citizens of the Russian Federation outside its borders; support for compatriots living in foreign countries; o - guarantee of the rights of indigenous peoples.Faith o Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism and other religions (shamanism, etc.), which are an integral part of the Russian historical and spiritual heritage, had a significant influence on the formation of traditional values.The structure of the worldview includes: knowledge, ideas, principles (point of view), beliefs, ideals (goals), spiritual and moral values; life attitudes.Family (traditions).3.1.