The following state transition tables are completed mostly based on the conventions specified in [RFC4137]. The complete text is described below. State transition tables are used to represent the operation of the protocol by a number of cooperating state machines each comprising a group of connected, mutually exclusive states. Only one state of each machine can be active at any given time. All permissible transitions from a given state to other states and associated actions performed when the transitions occur are represented by using triplets of (exit condition, exit action, exit state). All conditions are expressions that evaluate to TRUE or FALSE; if a condition evaluates to TRUE, then the condition is met. A state "ANY" is a wildcard state that matches any state in each state machine except those explicitly enumerated as exception states. The exit conditions of a wildcard state are evaluated after all other exit conditions specific to the current state are met. On exit from a state, the exit actions defined for the state and the exit condition are executed exactly once, in the order that they appear. (Note that the procedures defined in [RFC4137] are executed on entry to a state, which is one major difference from this document.) Each exit action is deemed to be atomic; i.e., execution of an exit action completes before the next sequential exit action starts to execute. No exit action executes outside of a state block. The exit actions in only one state block execute at a time even if the conditions for execution of state blocks in different state machines are satisfied. All exit actions in an executing state block complete execution before the transition to and execution of any other state blocks. The execution of any state block appears to be atomic with respect to the execution of any other state block, and the transition condition to that state from the previous state is TRUE when execution commences. The order of execution of state blocks in different state machines is undefined except as constrained by their transition conditions. A variable that is set to a particular value in a state block retains this value until a subsequent state block executes an exit action that modifies the value. On completion of the transition from the previous state to the current state, all exit conditions occurring during the current state (including exit conditions defined for the wildcard state) are evaluated until an exit condition for that state is met. Any event variable is set to TRUE when the corresponding event occurs and set to FALSE immediately after completion of the action associated with the current state and the event. The interpretation of the special symbols and operators used is defined in [RFC4137]. 6. Common Rules There are following procedures, variables, message initializing rules, and state transitions that are common to both the PaC and PAA state machines. Throughout this document, the character string "PANA_MESSAGE_NAME" matches any one of the abbreviated PANA message names, i.e., "PCI", "PAR", "PAN", "PTR", "PTA", "PNR", "PNA".