Twenty years ago, Aguaviva, a small village in the north of Spain, was dying.He wondered, "How can I bring this place back to life?" He knew the village needed people, but from where? Then he had a brilliant idea. He flew 6,300 miles to Buenos Aires and started telling everyone about Aguaviva. He spoke on the radio and put advertisements in newspapers. The ads said, "If you are married with two children under the age of 12, we'll offer you a home, a job, free health care and education for at least five years."The people from Buenos Aires were used to a big city, so living in a small village with little public transportation was difficult at first.There was work for builders repairing the old houses, and a factory making electrical parts for cars opened.Young people wanted more opportunities, so they moved away to the cities.The economy began to improve, too.After moving to Spain, their future looked brighter.Aguaviva's future looked dark.But everybody had new opportunities, too.