Distance Learning Quite simply, digital learning uses new technologies and methods to help students learn in a different way.Personalised Learning Personalised learning symbolised with 4 stacked books One of the biggest benefits of digital learning is that it allows teachers or course providers to cater their learning plans or curriculum to the individual student.The scope of how digital products and services can be used for educational purposes is limitless, and it has some incredible benefits for students.Overall, this approach provides relevant material across a limitless range of topics to help facilitate the best possible outcome in the learning journey.The incorporation of digital learning can be as simple as the use of tablets or iPads in the classroom instead of the good old fashioned notebooks and paper.If you are advanced, you have to wait for the others to catch up; if you're struggling, sometimes you can get left behind because there's just not enough time to catch you up. With digital learning, the teacher is able to format their curriculum based on the needs of the individual.It can also be as involved as using complex software and equipment to facilitate areas of education previously unattainable to particular students.More Engaging Lessons A child learning through an app on an iPad The traditional model of education involves a classroom, books, paper, one teacher and students.Imagery, audio and video content can all be integrated seamlessly into a lesson.No two students are ever exactly the same, so why should the way they learn be. The traditional face to face method has worked for us as a society for quite some time, but we now know that there are so many contributing factors that will determine the success of a student in their learning process.Breadth of Information A magnifying glass symbolising a breadth of information We have never had more information available to us in an instant in the history of our species.It would have involved hours in a library or with your grandparents' collection of Encyclopedia Britannica just to get an ounce of that information.Digital learning offers a larger range of delivery methods for learning.1.2.3.