The folding category has many links with the investigative officer's list The Single Account Apply.The interface software provided at the branch should be used to enter the applications.After receiving the application from the customer, the Verification Officer should check it for completeness, signature verification, account behavior, and the Verification Officer should confirm the customer's most recent address.The Verification Officer, who oversees all card-related operations, determines if a customer is eligible for a card, and if he is not, he informs the customer that he does not meet the card's requirements, and that only eligible customers can obtain an application form for the card.The Verification Officer examines the customer's application and sends the right application to the bank for credit card issuance.Make a note of it. The verification officer should record the issuance date and time in the card application.The seller's receipt of the card to directly collect their cards and a PIN from a branch, the verification officer should be close to the customer.The verification officer should keep a proper record of the suggestions, and the customer should take care of the card collection.Application has a single association with the Verification Officer class.The same program should be used to upload the application data to the ATM switch center, and the card application information should be entered in the card application issue register.It should be modified by the software in accordance with the application Form.