Did we ever ask ourselves why we study history?Furthermore, the study of history includes not only learning and understanding history on our own, but also teaching others In conclusion, I think the study of history is important because it allows us to understand our present.In fact he is a person who studies and documents history, just like we do in school.No doubt, answers or facts can be found in books and collections called Archives.First, we learn about ancient civilizations such as China and India.Second, studying history also gives us knowledge of how things were invented like the compass, paper, and electricity.One of the most important things of studying history is to learn from the past and perhaps creating a better future.On the other hand, maybe someone ask that who is the historian?.Historians understand the past by asking questions such as: who?As a result, without history, we are depriving ourselves of an important source of knowledge..This is the most common question asked in schools.In my opinion the study of history is important, so I would like to explain why I think that.First let me tell you what the history is?.History is the things that are said and done in the past.What?when?Where?why?How?