Factors effect settlements locates o 1) Water supply: o Settlements need water they often locate on wet point sites for this, settlements built away from rivers and water supplies to avoid flooding are located at dry point sites.oThe settlements mush be change over the time so an example on this that the farming villages are moving out to find jobs o 4) Communications: o Settlements often located next to rivers that could be easily crossed, these are called bridging points; other favorable places included where at the junctions of all valleys or in gaps through hills, these locations allowed maximum communication between different settlements and increased trade; for example o New castle is built on the tyne at a bridging point and could benefit with trade from the north and the south.o 5) Climatic: o Such as wet or dry situations, availability and the need for shelter and drainage; and the necessity for warmer or cooler garb can all determine whether or not the situation is appropriate for settlement.o 7)Economic factor: o Economic factor such as nearby markets for trade, ports for importing and exporting goods, number of available to account for gross domestic product; and commercial route ways also play a large role in this decision. o 2) Defence: o Building on high ground allowed people the chance to look out for enemies; for example, Edinburgh castle while surrounding a settlement with water also helped with deed defense; for example, Durham is built inside a meander.o 3) Aspect and Shelter: o In the northern side south facing slopes receive more sunlight and are protected from cold northerly winds. o 6) Physical: o Physical factors like drainage, as well as soil quality, ports, and resources, can affect whether or not a location is suitable for building a city.Settlements built away from rivers and water supplies to avoid flooding are located at dry point sites.What location factors influence the development of settlements?v o Physical factors that influence the location of a settlement includes; 1.Factors that are still relevant today are: I think Lands, Aspect and shelter.Which of these factors are still relevant today?