Scapulohumeral rhythm: Figure-14: Daynamic Hug for Sterngthen serratus anterior muscle Figure-15: Elbow in the back pocket'-exercise Figures-16&17: Serratus punch Figure-18: Serratus punch It is commonly accepted that the scapula plays an important role in normal shoulder function.Although different rehabilitation techniques and combinations are used by different researchers, the reported results vary (van den Dolder, Ferreira, & Refshauge, 2010; Yeun, 2017) The protocol included manual soft tissue mobilization techniques combined with massage.Mobilization: Numerous researchers have examined the impact of using various soft tissue mobilization, but there is no universal treatment plan.The main idea of this methodology is based on the knowledge that the neurophysiological stimulus of massage and the neurophysiological stimulus of passive movements have a relationship arising from their common point of impact on peripheral receptors located in the musculoskeletal system (Toteva & Dimitrova, 2022).The temporal sequence of recruitment and the level to which each muscle is activated during movement is important to factor in coordinating scapular motion with humeral elevation (Cools A. M., 2003).Mobilization of the scapula, combined with a massaging of rhomboid major and minor muscles, serratus anterior muscle, and subscapularis muscle (Toteva & Dimitrova, 2022).(Cools A. M., 2003) Functional stability of the scapula requires optimal positioning, smooth muscular balance in the force couple around the scapula, and correct timing of muscle activity of the scapular rotators (Cools A. M., 2003).Because the scapula plays a critical role in controlling the position of the glenoid, relatively small changes in the action of the scapulothoracic muscles can affect the alignment and forces involved in movement around the glenohumeral joint (Cools A. M., 2003).In this case, after clinical evaluation a plan of care was made which included strengthening exercises for scapular muscles.