Of all the areas of life where artificial intelligence has an impact, the biggest might well be considered to be education, especially the teaching aspect of it. Thanks to the new AI technologies, instructors have the opportunity to carry out their profession more effectively because AI systems equip them with understandable and personalized support to foster learner-centered teaching.Briefly, AI greatly augments the educational processes by helping teachers with content delivery, personalized teaching and automated assessment.Additionally, the development of AI assessment tools such as Gradescope has allowed teachers to automate grading and feedback.With the help of AI technologies, teachers are able to personalize their teaching to suit the learners' needs or break down the lessons into smart study guides and flashcards to make it easier for students to understand.Hubert, which is an example of these AI tools, is an advanced chatbot that surveys the students and compiles the results so that teachers know what's working and what changes they need to make.Such technology is also capable of evaluating the knowledge of students, analyzing their answers, and providing helpful input and helping teachers develop customized student training plans.Also, various AI tools help teachers tackle the problems that arise especially with distance learning.Based on the evidence, it is possible to say that teachers can save time and effort thanks to AI technologies.