Discuss strategic Management Process and benefits of portfolio management system.Enhanced transparency: Portfolio management systems provide transparency into how resources are being allocated and how performance is being measured, which can help boost stakeholder confidence in the organization's decision-making processes.In conclusion, strategic management is vital to the success of any organization, as it helps them define their goals, objectives, and strategies, while portfolio management systems can help organizations allocate resources more efficiently, manage risks, align investments with strategic objectives, and enhance decision-making processes.Better resource allocation: Portfolio management systems help organizations allocate their resources more efficiently by identifying which projects or investments are most likely to generate returns.Improved decision making: With comprehensive data analytics and reporting capabilities, portfolio management systems enable better decision-making by allowing organizations to assess the impact of different decisions on their overall portfolio.Analysis and evaluation: Organizations need to understand their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis) by analyzing both the internal and external environment.