Cephalic Phase During the cephalic phase of digestion, the smell, sight, thought, or initial taste of food activates neural centers in the cerebral cortex, hypothalamus, and brain stem.o Neural regulation.When the stomach walls are distended or pH increases because proteins have entered the stomach and buff ered some of the stomach acid, the stretch receptors and chemoreceptors are activated, and a neural negative feedback loop is set in motion (Figure 24.26).From the stretch receptors and chemoreceptors, nerve impulses propagate to the submucosal plexus, where they activate parasympathetic and enteric neurons.The facial and glossopharyngeal nerves stimulate the salivary glands to secrete saliva, while the vagus nerves stimulate the gastric glands to secrete gastric juice.Neural and hormonal mechanisms regulate the gastric phase of digestion to promote gastric secretion and gastric motility.The resulting nerve impulses cause waves of peristalsis and continue to stimulate the flow of gastric juice from gastric glands.The peristaltic waves mix the food with gastric juice; when the waves become strong enough, a small quantity of chyme undergoes gastric emptying intoThe brain stem then activates the facial (VII), glossopharyngeal (IX), and vagus (X) nerves.Food of any kind distends the stomach and stimulates stretch receptors in its walls.Chemoreceptors in the stomach monitor the pH of the stomach chyme.Gastric Phase Once food reaches the stomach, the gastric phase of digestion begins.