Preparing for natural disasters is crucial for everyone, including Omani people.Understand what is covered and what is not, and consider additional coverage if necessary.**Emergency Kit**: Prepare an emergency kit that includes essential items like water, non-perishable food, flashlights, batteries, first aid supplies, and important documents.Participate in drills, workshops, and training sessions organized by local authorities to enhance your preparedness and response capabilities.**Stay Informed**: Keep track of weather forecasts and warnings from reliable sources such as the Oman Meteorology Department.This may include reinforcing doors and windows, securing loose objects outdoors, and trimming trees near buildings.**Insurance Coverage**: Review your insurance policies to ensure adequate coverage for various types of natural disasters.**Continuous Review and Improvement**: Regularly review and update your disaster preparedness plans based on lessons learned from past experiences or new information.By following these steps, Omani people can enhance their preparedness for natural disasters and mitigate potential risks to themselves and their communities.Adaptation and improvement are essential for effective disaster preparedness.