My mistake Everyone in the world has friends.I was ignoring the exams and trying to escape from the studying stress.I enjoyed going with them however I failed in the exams.At first, I liked my friends so much.At the same moment, I did not realize that I suppose to not waste my time with friends, yet I should study for the exams that were in one week.When the exams started, I tried all my best to study without a hope.In end, I failed in four subjects out of six which was hard to me at that time.Finally, I decided to change my life style to avoid such mistake.I decided to not see friends at all in the exams and instead of seeing them I would study.Friends are the thing that make life better place, but sometimes it makes it worse.Two years ago, I used to go out with friends.they are funny, wild and wild.I enjoyed playing with them.Whenever I was under stress from studying, I went out with my friends.I could not find enough time to study.The stress was more than before so studying with stress is not good.I did all my best, but it was a hopeless try.That was a hard lesson that I have learned in my life.