?The Woman in the Black Coat by Joseph Sheridan Lefeno.?When she went away to her new home in Dublin, my mother and father didn't love me. ?They wanted sons and were not very interested in me. ?About a year after my sister got married, a letter arrived from Mr. ?He said that my sister was ill and that she wanted to come home to Tyrone and stay with us to be with her family.?I was born into a rich and important family in Tyrone, Ireland.?They're leaving Dublin on Sunday, my father told me, and they're arriving here on Tuesday evening.?Carew soon married another young woman in Dublin and I felt angry that he forgot my sister so quickly.?We're going to meet richer and more interesting men than the ones back home In Tyrone.?One night before I went to bed, she came into my room and said, do you know Lord Glenn Fallon??My sister was six years older than me, so we didn't play much together when I was young and I was only 12 years old when she got married.?Now the sky was dark and soon it was midnight, but I couldn't sleep.?I didn't want to do anything or speak to anyone.?Nobody came.