Introduction to Employee Training and Development Objectives ?For example, computer-integrated manufacturing uses robots and computers to automate the manufacturing process.Training Design Process Steps: THE FORCES INFLUENCING WORKING AND LEARNING Economic cycles Globalization Increased value placed on intangible assets and human capital Focus on link to business strategy Changing demographics and diversity of the work force Talent Management Customer service and quality emphasis New technology High-performance work systems THE FORCES INFLUENCING WORKING AND LEARNING Globalization: Every business must be prepared to deal with the global economy.Training prepares employees to use new technologies, function in new work systems such as virtual teams, and communicate and cooperate with peers or customers who may be from different cultural backgrounds.Other human resource management practices include recruiting employees, selecting employees, designing work, compensating employees, and developing good labor and employee relations.Intangible Assets THE FORCES INFLUENCING WORKING AND LEARNING Focus on Link to Business Strategy: managers are beginning to see a more important role for training and development to support a company's business strategy Changing Demographics and Diversity of the Work Force: Companies face several challenges as a result of increased demographics and diversity of the work force.How the company recovers from defects and errors is also important for retaining and attracting customers THE FORCES INFLUENCING WORKING AND LEARNING New Technology: Technology has reshaped the way we play, communicate, and plan our lives, and where we work.Training is not a luxury; it is a necessity if companies are to participate in the global and electronic marketplaces by offering high-quality products and services.Talent Management: refers to attracting, retaining, developing, and motivating highly skilled employees and managers.Customer-driven excellence includes reducing defects and errors, meeting specifications, and reducing complaints.High-Performance Models of Work Systems: New technology causes changes in skill requirements and work roles and often results in redesigned work structures (e.g., using work teams).Human resource practices play a key role in attracting, motivating, rewarding, and retaining employees.Increased Value Placed on Intangible Assets and Human Capital: Training and development can help a company's competitiveness by directly increasing the company's value through contributing to intangible assets.Companies are experiencing great change due to new technologies, rapid development of knowledge, globalization of business, and development of e- commerce.Human Resource Management Human resource management refers to the policies, practices, and systems that influence employees' behavior, attitudes, and performance.The goal of training is for employees to master the knowledge, skill, and behaviors emphasized in training programs and to apply them to their day-to-day activities.Training is seen as one of several p DESIGNING EFFECTIVE TRAINING The training design process refers to a systematic approach for developing training programs.Evaluate the program and make changes in it or revisit any of the earlier steps in the process to improve the program so that learning, behavior, change, and the other learning objectives are obtained.A learning organization embraces a culture of lifelong learning, enabling all employees to continually acquire and share knowledge.Because Employees will be required not only to understand the service or product development system but also to share knowledge and to creatively use it to modify a product or serve the customer Continuous learning Requires employees to understand the entire work system, including the relationships among their jobs, their work units, and the company.Managers take an active role in identifying training needs and help to ensure that employees use training in their work.Today, training is being evaluated not on the basis of the number of programs offered and training activity in the company but on how training addresses business needs related to learning, behavior change, and performance improvement.The value of intangible assets and human capital has three important implications: o Focus on Knowledge Workers.As a result, customer excellence requires attention to product and service features as well as to interactions with customers.?2.?3.4.?5.?