Motivation plays an important role in determining whether a company will thrive in the organization today.Therefore it is necessary for the manager to understand what really motivates workers, asking the employee how he feels some specific situations does not provide an accurate assessment of his needs, when people join an organization they bring with them specific needs that affect job performance.In order to achieve their goals and objectives, organizations develop strategies to compete in very competitive markets and expand their performance.Only some organizations consider human capital to be their primary asset, and able to drive them to success or if they are not managed properly, if employees are unhappy with their jobs and have no incentive to fulfill their tasks and achieve their goals, the organization will not be able to achieve success.Motivation techniques aim to meet the needs of workers in order to influence their production to achieve the goals of the organization.Companies, regardless of size and market, strive to keep the simplest employees, recognizing their important role and impact on organizational effectiveness.To overcome these challenges, if these challenges are overcome, companies must establish a strong and positive relationship with their employees and direct them to the task.Each has a different composition and intensity of needs, as some people are motivated by success, while others have a skill in safety.If managers are able to know, anticipate, and manage employee procedures, they need to know what workers want from their work.Each organization has the desired goals that the manager can try to achieve the organization's goals through employees.Managers should be able to define their needs and be able to apply different motivational tools to apply different motivational tools to meet different needs.All organizations want to succeed, even in the highly competitive current environment.Some of these requirements are psychological and some are bound by psychological and social values.The employee in the organization has different needs and goals.