Introduction The given database is designed to support a car rental system.The car_id and customer_id columns in this table reference the corresponding identifiers in the Car and Customer tables respectively.The customer_id and car_id columns in this table reference the corresponding identifiers in the Customer and Car tables respectively.It includes the rental's unique identifier (rental_id), the car's identifier (car_id), the customer's identifier (customer_id), rental date, return date, and total cost of the rental.It includes the reservation's unique identifier (reservation_id), the customer's identifier (customer_id) who made the reservation, the car's identifier (car_id) reserved by the customer, and the reservation date.The database can be used to track car availability, customer information, rental history, employee details, and reservation records, enabling effective management and retrieval of data in a car rental business.The Car table holds details about the cars available for rental, such as the car's unique identifier (car_id), brand, model, manufacturing year, color, and rental rate.It includes details like the customer's unique identifier (customer_id), first name, last name, email address, and phone number.It includes details such as the employee's unique identifier (employee_id), first name, last name, email address, phone number, and hire date.These tables and their relationships provide a structured and efficient way to manage car rentals, customer information, rental details, employee data, and reservations within the car rental system.The Rental table contains records of car rentals made by customers.It consists of five tables: Car, Customer, Rental, Employee, and Reservation.These tables store information about cars, customers, rentals, employees, and reservations respectively.The Employee table holds information about the employees working in the car rental company.