QUESTIONS Thate Educational Rechearchers ASK: The specifi c question chosen for research, of course, depends on the area that interests the researchers, their background, and the particular problem they confront.some children more achievement-oriented than other children?" the relationship.Probably more common in quantitative educational research are studies that aim to test already existing theories.Theories of learning have thus been developed because investigators have shown the relationships among certain methods, individual and environmental variables, and the effi ciency of the learning process.From the fi ndings, they may begin to formulate a theory about the phenomenon. PRACTICAL QUESTIONS: Many questions in educational research are direct and practical, aimed at solving specifi c problems that educators may encounter in everyday activities."What is the relative effectiveness of the problem discussion method as compared with the lecture method in teaching high school social studies?"THEORETICAL QUESTIONS: Questions of a theoretical nature are those asking "What is it?" or "How does it occur?"Research with a theoretical orientation may focus on either developing new theories or testing existing theories.or "Why does it occur?"