characteristics and (3) context-related character- istics.Recent research shows that psychologi- cal safety is mainly enabled by spontaneous interac- tion, which is easy to facilitate in the office and hard to facilitate when WFH (Tkalich et al. 2022) and that remote psychological safety leadership requires more time, deliberation and intentionality than when working face to face (Sjoblom et al. 2022).Whereas task-related characteristics refer to the assigned responsibilities, duties and tasks, an employee has to perform in order to meet the job description as well as the degrees of freedom she or he has in conducting these tasks (e.g., workload and autonomy) (Aldag et al. 1981; Morgeson and Humphrey 2006).Task-related characteristics Workload: The previous research has found that WFH increases workload because some tasks cannot be performed from home due to technical or commu- nication issues (Dikkers et al. 2007; Wu and Chen 2020).Additionally, workload can interfere with employees' work-life balance and therefore reduce job satisfaction in WFH arrangements (Irawanto et al. 2021).