Procedures for Presentation and Consideration of Bills 107 107 (1) Bills presented to either Chamber of the National Legislature shall be submitted for the first reading by being cited by title and thereby deemed to be tabled with the appropriate Chamber.The committee shall also present a report on the amendments that the committee might or might not have endorsed in the third reading; the Speaker may also refer the bill once again to the appropriate committee to prepare a report on the final drafting in preparation for the final reading.(3) The Speaker or the appropriate committee, may seek expert opinion on the viability and rationale of the bill; an interested body may also be invited to present views on the impact and propriety of the bill.The bill shall then be submitted for a second reading for general deliberation and approval in principle.Should the bill be passed in the second reading, there shall be a third reading for deliberation in detail and introduction of, and decision upon, any amendment.(2) After the first reading, the Speaker shall refer the bill to the appropriate committee which shall make a general evaluation report for the purpose of the second reading.(4) The Chamber may by a special resolution, decide on any bill as a general committee or by summary proceedings