6.6G Analyze the Results How good are the measurements?What modifications, if any, of the existing equipment are necessary to improve the accuracy or precision of the measurements or to better achieve the overall experimental objectives?In the popcorn experiments, we might find that the aging results are inconclusive and that we need to control the humidity more tightly in the oven during the accelerated aging process, and additional runs would be necessary.Is there software available to perform least - squares analysis (see Appendix 2), set confidence limits, or other statistical analyses?Has an error analysis been performed, sources of error listed, and discussed in relation to how they affect the final result (i.e., by what magnitude and in what direction?).Is there any mathematical model or theory available that suggests how the data might be plotted or correlated?Should other experiments be run to extend the data into different regions?Finally, have all experimental objectives been satisfied?What generalizations can be made from the data?