Contents: Introduction Significance for Managers and Policymakers Basics Concepts of Health Quality of Life Risk Factors and Disease Acute, Sub acute, and Chronic Conditions Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Levels of Healthcare Introduction From an economic perspective, curative medicine appears to produce decreasing returns in health improvement while increasing health care expenditures.Quantified measures of health status and utilization can be used by managers and policymakers to evaluate the adequacy and effectiveness of existing programs, plan new strategies, measure progress, and discontinue ineffective services.Basics Concepts of Health The definition of health developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) is most often cited as the ideal for health care delivery systems; it recognizes that optimal health is more than the absence of disease or infirmity.Significance for Managers andPolicymakers 1.The health status of a population has tremendous bearing on the utilization of health services, assuming the services are readily available.There has also been a growing recognition of the benefits afforded to society by the promotion of health and the prevention of disease, disability, and premature death.The basic meanings of health, determinants of health, and health risk appraisal should be used to design appropriate educational, preventive, and therapeutic initiatives.Planning of health services must be governed by demographic and health trends and initiatives toward reducing disease and disability.There is a growing emphasis on evaluating the effectiveness of health care organizations based on the contributions they make to community and population health.Even so, progress in this direction has been slow because of the prevailing social values and beliefs, which continue to focus on curing diseases rather than promoting health.These concepts can guide administrators in implementing programs that have the greatest value to their communities.2.