It is impossible to say when Charles Darrell and Sonia French first decided to murder Sonia's husband, Robert.'There have been several burglaries near here,' the inspector told Robert, 'and we haven't caught the burglar.Robert was nearly twice as old as Sonia, and he married her ten years before Charles Darrell came into her life.Mr Darrell is your only neighbour.' The inspector left, and Charles said, 'The inspector didn't warn me. He knows I've nothing worth stealing.But if this gunman does visit me, he'll be sorry.'I feel sorry for the burglar who tries to frighten you, Charles,' she said.Glass breaking, followed by the sound of a window as it was pushed up. Robert did not wake up. Sonia waited until she heard the sound of Charles climbing through the open window, then she reached across to Robert's bed.' Sonia fell forwards, her eyes closing, and Robert caught her.He did this calmly, stepping around the blood on the carpet.For eight of those years, Sonia was bored with her husband, although he did not seem to realize this.Sonia and Charles were lovers for six months before things became difficult.'Robert will never give me a divorce,' thought Sonia.' But Sonia knew that Robert's silver alone was worth enough money to make life very comfortable for her and Charles.Sonia was excited..