Definitions of pollution: o Pollution is anything that alters our environment or health, usually in the form of substances but also in the form of waves.o Visual pollution: Visual pollution refers to visual degradation that affects landscapes and the living environment.Examples: Carbon monoxide, sulfur, and nitrogen oxides, Dust, Radioactive particles resulting from emissions from heating installations, combustion engines, industrial facilities, incinerators, etc.Air pollution is defined as: "The introduction by humans, directly or indirectly, into the atmosphere and enclosed spaces, of substances with harmful consequences endangering human health, harming biological resources and ecosystems, influencing climate change, deteriorating material goods, and causing olfactory nuisances."o Pollution is the degradation or alteration of the environment, generally linked to human activity through the direct or indirect release of chemical, physical, or biological substances that are potentially toxic to living organisms or disrupt the natural functioning of ecosystems.o Biological pollution: This pollution results from the introduction of exogenous species (originating from another environment, ecosystem, or continent) or genetically modified organisms into a given environment, causing changes in fauna and flora.Examples: Invasive species (Florida turtles, killer bees, fire ants, Caulerpa taxifolia algae), Escaped domestic species, Proliferation of algae in water bodies (eutrophication).o Water pollution: Manifested by the presence of toxic elements in water (oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, groundwater, etc.) causing the destruction of fauna and flora.o Electromagnetic pollution: Corresponds to the excessive or chronic exposure of living beings or devices to electromagnetic fields suspected of affecting their health, reproduction, or functioning.It can be caused by: Thermonuclear bomb explosions (military tests), Wreckage of nuclear submarines, Serious accidents in nuclear power plants (Chernobyl, Fukushima, etc.), Accidental releases of radioactive waste by the nuclear industry.o Soil pollution: Caused by the infiltration of polluted water, often of industrial or agricultural origin: through the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, etc.Different forms of pollution: The various forms of pollution include: o Air pollution: Manifested by the presence of harmful or non-harmful particles or gases in the air, leading to some inconvenience depending on their concentration.o Light pollution: Due to excessive light production at night in open areas, light pollution can degrade the perception of the environment and affect biological rhythms, nocturnal activities, and animal corresponds to the direct or indirect introduction, by human activity, of radioactive substances into the environment, capable of contributing to or causing a danger to human health, damage to biological resources, ecosystems, or material goods, hindrance to a legitimate use of the environment.