Our Mental Health and Wellbeing Blog |Your Outlook Maintaining a hopeful outlook in times of fear can be difficult.Oct 2, 2020 10:00:00 AM By Jacinta Jardine, Innovation Associate & Content Writer at SilverCloud Health With the COVID-19 pandemic, we are living through a world crisis the likes of which hasn't been seen in 100 years.You could cultivate some seeds on a sunny windowsill, get a houseplant or some potted herbs or cut fresh flowers for a vase.Research shows that actively focusing on the positive elements of your life can help to change your outlook and improve your wellbeing and resilience.[1] https://www.kff.org/health-reform/report/kff-health-tracking-poll-early-april-2020/ View full postAdd social isolation, disrupted work and family routines, cabin fever and economic instability, and it is understandable that our mental health is suffering.Steps to effective problem solving Define the problem Think of as many solutions as possible, no matter how silly they may seem Consider the pros and cons of each solution Choose a solution to try Plan how you are going to implement the chosen solution Carry out the solution Review how it went.Not only will plants liven up your home, tending to them is a restorative practice that can boost your wellbeing.The COVID-19 situation is particularly stressful because it's hard to predict how things will develop, and our circumstances are changing rapidly.Understandably you may want to stay up to date with new developments, but constant exposure to news and COVID-19 related information can make you feel more stressed or anxious.Self-care suggestions Eat a healthy diet - watch out for overeating and over drinking, which are common coping mechanisms in times of stress Get as much fresh air and daylight as possible.Your Response to COVID-19 response to covid Following the official health guidance for your country, e.g. staying at home and washing your hands regularly, is an important action that you have control over.See your local health service or government website for reliable information and guidelines, or follow those of the World Health Organisation if in doubt.Your Thoughts & Worries Stress and anxiety are often accompanied by an overactive mind, full of circling thoughts and worries.Maintaining social connections is crucial to your wellbeing at this time.Remember that this period of isolation will end, so use this time to strengthen your connections, rather than letting them fade.Your Self-Care Looking after yourself is an essential part of maintaining your energy levels and your resilience to stress.Your Routine We are creatures of habit, so disruptions to our usual routines can add stress to what is already a challenging time.It is also important to recognize that in a time of crisis, you are unlikely to fulfill all your roles and responsibilities in the way you normally would.Prioritizing your time will ensure that you make time for the important things, while being realistic about what you can achieve.If possible, assign different activities to different areas in your room - one corner for working, another for relaxing, listening to music or reading.SilverCloud Health The Challenges of Covid and How to Deal |SilverCloud Health Written by Jacinta Jardine |The enormous scale of the crisis and the impact it is having are naturally causing a lot of fear, uncertainty and anxiety across the globe.In a recent survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation, 45% of adults feel that worry and stress related to coronavirus has had a negative impact on their mental health[1].In this blog we share tips from SilverCloud's new COVID-19 program, to help people manage in these unique times.It allows you to maintain your own wellbeing, while also contributing to the safety of your community.Writing your thoughts down in a journal is a simple, yet highly effective method for calming a frantic mind.Your Social Connections Social isolation is one of the biggest mental health challenges we are facing with this crisis.Many people are living alone or away from their support systems, which are usually essential wellbeing boosters in a time of crisis.We are tactile, social creatures by nature, so a lack of physical contact can be extremely difficult for us to cope with.Get outside if you can, but even if it's through a window, this will give you energy and help you sleep better Make sure you are getting enough good quality sleep - take time to wind down before bed Exercise regularly - moving your body is a great antidote to stress Spend time doing things you enjoy - it's important to give yourself a break and do things that boost your mood Top Tip: Try something new.If you aren't working, it is still a good idea to create blocks of time for different activities and allow yourself to wind down in the evenings.You might think that the future is bleak, or that being hopeful means you are ignoring the reality of the situation.The best type of optimism is one which is balanced and realistic.Redirecting our energy towards these things will help us deal effectively with this situation.Re-direct your energy towards the things you have control over Here is our list of things that you can control to help you to maintain good mental health and resilience during these challenging times.Top Tip: Limit your media usage.