3h Cross-curricular: Science BODY TALK YAWN No one knows for sure why we yawn, but one theory is that when you're tired or bored, you don't breathe as deeply as usual, so yawning helps you to take more oxygen into the blood.Other scientists say that yawning stretches the muscles and lungs and increases the heart rate, helping us to stay more alert Most people seem to agree about one thing, though...HICCUP HI G HIL HIC When something such as dust, pollen or a virus initates the inside of our nose, a message goes to the brain.a We can't help it, but we all sneeze, yawn, blush, hiccup, cough or even snore from time to time.Well, when you feel Belf-conscious, your body releases adrenalin which increases the blood flow to your face.SNORE We get hiccups when something irritates the diaphragm muscle below the lungs that helps pull air into them.COUGH A cough is an Important way of clearing your airways, throat and lungs of irritations.yawning is contagious!SHER-CHOO!Babies don't blush.