m Slavery : A Brief History Slave / Enslaved Person - someone who is the property of another person ( master ) ; they do not get paid for their work Slavery began in the West Indies ( Carribbean islands ) and North and South America in the 1500s . American Indians were first enslaved to work on farms and to mine for gold . However , many of them died due to harsh treatment and diseases ( sickness ) like smallpox Why did slavery begin ? Slavery began in the earliest civilizations- Egypt , Mesopotamia , Persia , China , Indi Arabia , ancient Greece and ancient Rome . Enslaved people were used on farm and usually were captured as prisoners during war . Sometimes enslaved per could earn their freedom and become a free member of society . Typically , the children were free members of society . America ) . PROSIONER OF WAL For centuries Africans had enslaved other Africans captured in warfare and sold the captives to Arab slave traders . In the 1500s they began selling the enslaved persons to European countries like Portugal , Spain , Holland ( Dutch ) France and England . Between 1500-1800s , 12 milion Africans were forcibly sent to the New World ( North , Central and South 95 % of the Africans were sent to the West Indies ( Caribbean Islands ) and South America to work on sugar plantations ( large farms with crops ) . The other 5 % came to North America . Most of them went to work on tobacco , rice , or indigo plantations in the Southern colonies .America's Original Sin " Why did slavery spread ? It made the slave owners rich . Setters in the New England and Middle Colonies had enslaved persons who worked as maids , nannies or carpenters . The Southern colonies were 6 times richer than those colonists living in New York or Pennsylvania due to the use of slave labor growing cash crops . How Did Slavery affect the U.S. ? Enslaved persons ' labor helped to build the United States ' economy . Many enslaved people built the White House and railroads . The children of enslaved people also became slaves . This helped the plantation owners gain more wealth because they did not have to purchase new enslaved people every year , When slavery ended , unfortunately , racism ( treating people badly because of their race ) did not end After the Civil War ( 1860-1865 ) the newly freed slaves still faced discrimination ( unfair treatment based upon their skin color ) . They were still victims of violence and not allowed to attend certain schools or live in some neighborhoods . America is still struggling with the impacts of slavery on the African American communities .