The wide range of applications of sentiment analysis has fostered its evolution.In the third approach [15], titled "Personality or Value: A Comparative Study of Psychographic Segmentation Based on an Online Review Enhanced Recommender System", Liu et al. analyze the predictive and explanatory capability of psychographic characteristics in e-commerce user preferences. For this purpose, they construct a pychographic lexicon based on seed words provided by psycholinguistics that are expanded using synonyms from WordNet [16], resulting in positive and negative lexicons for two psychographic models, Schwartz Value Survey (SVS) [17] and Big Five Factor (BFF) [18]. Then they construct word embeddings using Word2Vec [9] and extend the corpus with word embeddings from an Amazon corpus [19]. Finally, they incorporate the lexicons in a deep neural network-based recommender system to predict the users' online purchasing behaviour. They also evaluate customer segmentation based on BDSCAN clustering [20], but this does not provide a significant improvement. The main insight of this research is that psychographic variables improve the explanatory power of e-consumer preferences, but their prediction capability is not significant. Finally, in the fourth work [21], titled "Classification of Cyber-Aggression Cases Applying Machine Learning", Gutierrez-Esparza et al. deal with the detection of cyberagression.Four works selected in this Special Issue deal with the application of sentiment analysis for improving health insurances, understanding AIDS patients, e-commerce user profiling and cyberagression detection.The authors analyze messages from an AIDS-related bulletin board and evaluate both traditional and Deep Learning techniques for gender classification.They build and label a corpus of cyberagression news from Facebook in Latinamerica and develop a classification model based on Machine Learning techniques.In particular, they apply sentiment analysis for identifying gender in health forums based on Deep Learning techniques.