Part3: discuss these three points briefly in short sentences.Plus, Palm oil plantations are a significant cause of deforestation, contributing to approximately 8% of global deforestation from 1990 to 2008, according to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).Deforestation: the loss of habitats, emission of carbon, and a threat to biodiversity are a result of the extensive expand of palm oil plantations.Greenpeace draws attention to the rise in skin and respiratory conditions among the communities residing close to palm oil plantations in Malaysia and Indonesia.Water Pollution: Runoff containing agrochemicals from the production of palm oil causes pollution in waterways.(2019) found that the pollution has a detrimental effect on fisheries and aquatic life by reducing the amount of oxygen in water bodies..3.Human health is negatively impacted by air and water pollution caused by the production of palm oil.Use references, numbers(statistics) and graphs to support your short sentence.Tan and others.1.2.