Share resources Obviously, the fewer resources an average family uses, the lower the nation's ecological footprint.Each class ought to be taught with the overarching goals of quality of life and economic improvement in mind.Developing countries may not be able to afford electric or semi-electric cars, but their people can conserve both money and oxygen by carpooling, riding bikes and reusing grocery bag Promote education All levels of education are important stepping-stones to development, from the fundamentals of kindergarten, to the advanced quantum physics courses at the university.Education stops terrorist groups from gaining strength and trains doctors and scientists to research and cure diseases.Empower women Education is most valuable to a developing country's most vulnerable groups.The most common demographic among all of these populations--farmers, small-scale producers, victims of epidemics and terrorist groups--are women.Negotiate strategic political relations Americans have seen firsthand what happens when big businesses and lobbyists become too deeply involved with politicians.When it happens in third-world countries, their poorest, most disadvantaged citizens are the ones who suffer.This often leads to violent uprisings with scads of victims on both sides.