Healthcare analytics plays a crucial role in determining the state of services provided to patients.This system is enabled by advancements in information technology and allows healthcare organizations to manage data regarding patientcare.Finally, the research will assess various policies that govern the use of this tech- nology to ensure patients are protected from malpractices.The research will provide in- formation regarding how healthcare managers can utilize the technology on healthcare analytics to manage their re- sources.Additionally, the research will encom- pass ideas from diverse scholars on how organizations can manage large amounts of data.Hence, this study will improve the application of health an- alytics and ensure that patients receive quality care from practitioners (Kuo, 2014)However, the inappropri- ate application of healthcare analytics can cause diverse challenges to an organization.Mismanagement of patients' personal data can lead to unethical practices that may undermine trust (Kuo, 2014)[10].Besides, organizations that use this system can predict faults and solve them before they result in harm (Kuo, 2014)[10].One of the challenges asso- ciated with the ineffective application of this approach is the issue of inadequate training.Consequently, this study will help organizations minimize waste since this problem may affect the services provided to clients.Additionally, this technology can help organizations to manage their resources and minimize waste.Also, thisservicecanbeappliedtodevelopanappropriatescheduling system.