How ameliorated side effects of Pemetrexed: Fever: To avoid infection: Wash your hands often.Types of foods are recommended during nausea and vomiting, bland starchy, dry foods like crackers, toast, and cereal, Clear sodas.Unusual bleeding (melena, hematuria) or bruising: Call your doctor or nurse if bleeding that doesn't stop after a few minutes, bleeding from mouth, nose, with vomit, bleeding from vagina, urine that is red or pink, stools that are black .Ways to manage bleeding and bruising: Avoid certain medication which can increase risk of bleeding (aspirin or ibuprofen) Take extra care to prevent bleeding, use soft toothbrush, electric shaver, wear shoes, use lotion and a lip balm to prevent dry, chapped skin and lips.Increase the fluid content of foods by adding gravy, broth, or sauces.Stomatitis and mouth ulcers: Eat soft, tender, moist foods that are easy to chew and swallow.Avoid foods that irritate the mouth such as citrus or highly acidic foods, spicy or salty foods, rough, course and dry foods.Nausea and Vomiting: Rinse mouth with lemon water after eating.Eat bland, soft, easy-to-digest foods rather than heavy meals.Avoid eating in a room that has cooking odors, keep air circulating and living areas well ventilated.Puree foods to decrease chewing.Frozen fruits and desserts.