The first problem is Sea pollution: The pollution that has spread in the seas is caused by the dumping of plastic waste, neglected fishing equipment, by-products, and other harmful substances that cause the killing of sea turtles, through the ingestion of these materials by sea turtles, which causes their poisoning and death, or by the entanglement of turtles with these materials The second problem is Climate change: The constant changes in the global climate cause an increase in the danger of the extinction of sea turtles, and leads to turtles losing the beaches in which they are in a situation, due to the increase in heat on these beaches, which causes their erosion, and causes these changes in the loss of sea turtle habitats and the erosion of eggshells, which causes the loss of juvenile turtles The third problem is Wrong catching: Sea turtles are exposed to the risk of wrong hunting, when fishermen throw their nets, sea turtles are caught in these long-lined nets, gill nets, or trawl nets, causing turtle death, habitat destruction and changing nutrients