
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

44 STARTUP ARABIA center .So , from the very beginning , my mom's untapped ambition and her unrealized potential became a part of our lives .Before Garage , he held various technical positions at Brience and Trilogy Software , and he started his career as a consultant at Ernst & Young .Previ ously , he was part of the Venture Finance group at Garage Technology Ventures , where he worked with seed - stage companies in the soft ware and consumer internet industry .Mudassir holds a master's in computer science from Stanford University and a bachelor's in computer science and economics from the University of Southern California .In Pakistan , they had these annual rankings .She was also quite ambitious , but like what happens with most women in Pakistan , she got married quite early , started having kids and was not able to pursue a career and realize her potential .He also founded Solerent and served as its director .I was born in Karachi , Pakistan .I'm the eldest of three siblings .Tell us a little about your background .

النص الأصلي

44 STARTUP ARABIA center . He also founded Solerent and served as its director . Previ ously , he was part of the Venture Finance group at Garage Technology Ventures , where he worked with seed - stage companies in the soft ware and consumer internet industry . Before Garage , he held various technical positions at Brience and Trilogy Software , and he started his career as a consultant at Ernst & Young . Mudassir holds a master's in computer science from Stanford University and a bachelor's in computer science and economics from the University of Southern California . Tell us a little about your background . I was born in Karachi , Pakistan . I'm the eldest of three siblings . I have two younger sisters . I come from a relatively middle - class family . My parents did not have the opportunity to go to college , so they had deep desire to give us an education . They sent me and my sisters to English - medium school so that we could acquire the education that they were not able to get . My dad came from a business - oriented family . He had worked in the rice trading family business from the time he was a teenager , and that became his life . He still works there today and has managed to raise us and give us an education . My mom was a very good student in school . She was one of the very top students in high school . In Pakistan , they had these annual rankings . She was number three in the entire city of Karachi the year she graduated . She was also quite ambitious , but like what happens with most women in Pakistan , she got married quite early , started having kids and was not able to pursue a career and realize her potential . So , from the very beginning , my mom's untapped ambition and her unrealized potential became a part of our lives . We had to be at the top of our class , and nothing less was good enough . She would work extremely hard with us to make sure that

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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