
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

The summary provides an overview of figures, tables, and graphs related to a study conducted among undergraduate medical students at Tanta University:

Demographic Distribution:

Gender distribution is nearly equal, with males representing 53% and females 47%.Dissatisfaction is noted in fatness evaluation, negative affect, height dissatisfaction, and social dependence.Overall, the study indicates a diverse range of perceptions and attitudes among undergraduate medical students at Tanta University regarding body image, physical activity, and self-esteem.Anthropometric Measures:

The average age is 20 years, average weight is 71.21kg, average height is 1.71cm, and average BMI is 24.15.The majority rate themselves positively in terms of health fitness influence, attention to grooming, and investment in ideals.Self-Body Image Assessment:

Around 70% or more are satisfied with overall appearance, health fitness influence, investment in ideas, health fitness evaluation, and attention to grooming.

النص الأصلي

The summary provides an overview of figures, tables, and graphs related to a study conducted among undergraduate medical students at Tanta University:

Demographic Distribution:

Gender distribution is nearly equal, with males representing 53% and females 47%.
Academic years distribution is mostly similar, with the first year having a slightly larger representation (25%) and the fifth year the lowest (15%).
Physical Activity:

About 40% each are classified as moderate and non-exercisers, while regular exercisers make up 18.8% of the sample.
Anthropometric Measures:

The average age is 20 years, average weight is 71.21kg, average height is 1.71cm, and average BMI is 24.15.
Body Image Perception:

Most participants rate themselves as an eight on a scale from one to ten regarding body evaluation.
57.8% perceive themselves as having an average body weight.
Satisfaction and Perception:

More than 80% of participants are satisfied with their overall appearance.
The majority rate themselves positively in terms of health fitness influence, attention to grooming, and investment in ideals.
Negative Affect and Social Dependence:

Negative affect results show varying degrees of sadness and depression related to body image.
Participants generally do not compare their bodies to close individuals or feel bad around good-looking people.
Self-Body Image Assessment:

Around 70% or more are satisfied with overall appearance, health fitness influence, investment in ideas, health fitness evaluation, and attention to grooming.
Dissatisfaction is noted in fatness evaluation, negative affect, height dissatisfaction, and social dependence.

Over 80% of participants have a high level of self-esteem, expressing positive attitudes toward themselves and their worth.
Overall, the study indicates a diverse range of perceptions and attitudes among undergraduate medical students at Tanta University regarding body image, physical activity, and self-esteem.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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