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نتيجة التلخيص (100%)

Teachers need to consider the importance of written language in helping learners acquire English.Select CALL materials with appropriate reading texts means that the variety of electronic texts and CALL activities make it easy to find texts that are at the appropriate level of difficulty, that cover topics of interests to learners, and that include tasks that engage learners
What the research says: Krashen (1982) states that the language input that learners are exposed to should make them stretch their language knowledge just the right amount.Provide learners with opportunities to interact with the computer for getting help with the language in the text means that Learners interact with the computer in CALL reading materials when they click on a phrase for help with meaning, select help from a menu to obtain grammar or cultural explanations, or respond to a question and receive feedback on that response.In other words, the input must be made salient so the learner's attention will be directed to it.
What the research says: Schmidt (1992) argues that learners are more likely to learn vocabulary and grammar if they notice these forms in the texts they read.Research suggests that CALL activities are particularly interesting in this respect because the computer provides a dynamic contribution to the learners' conversations.CD-ROMs and texts on the internet provide learners with a variety of materials to read and interact with.Such interaction before, during, and after reading is potentially valuable for second-language acquisition because they direct learners' attention to language, raise awareness of what learners do not know, and provide learners with help in comprehending the language.Let the text on the screen spark interaction among learners means that Reading texts are a starting point in a series of activities.Learners can work together to check prediction, seek additional information and help, cut and paste the text to produce a glossary, and outline a new text.Researchers find that the types of assistance learners receive in such reading-based conversations are valuable for their language development (Klingner & Vaughn, 2000).Two important goals of teaching reading are to help learners understand the meaning of a text and to help them use the text to develop their overall language.Look for important words and phrases to be emphasized on the screen means that CALL programs should help by emphasizing particular aspects of the language lessons.Should assign interactive activities that accompany the text.Students understanding of a text is determined by their understanding of words, phrases, and grammatical constructions.If the texts are too difficult, learners will become frustrated and again the text will not provide the opportunity for learning.What the teacher can do; Teachers should keep learners fit when reviewing and selecting CALL materials.Exposing learners to the word many times (input flood).They provide the initial language and ideas that learners summarize, discuss, or formulate through writing or discussion.In such activities, guidance is needed to ensure that all members of the group participate.It is also the process by which learners develop their reading skills as well as their overall English ability.Teachers may select reading texts that are adapted to the level and interests of the students.The more interaction, the more likely the learner is to acquire and remember the language that is the focus of the interaction.Teachers should look for CALL reading activities that provide interaction with the text.Teachers can find CALL reading activities that lend themselves well to group reading and collaborative activity and provide pre-reading, reading, and post-reading activities.This can be done by Highlighting important words & phrases.Explain to students how they can get help from the computer program, software, or website.This means reading is not the only goal of instruction.however, there are sevenTips for teaching reading with CALL which are:

?This means: If the language in texts is too easy, the texts will not provide any language for them to learn.Activities before and after reading.The research on interaction in reading is clear.CALL is good for teaching reading.???

النص الأصلي

Teachers need to consider the importance of written language in helping learners acquire English. This means reading is not the only goal of instruction. It is also the process by which learners develop their reading skills as well as their overall English ability.
Students understanding of a text is determined by their understanding of words, phrases, and grammatical constructions.
Two important goals of teaching reading are to help learners understand the meaning of a text and to help them use the text to develop their overall language.
CALL is good for teaching reading. CD-ROMs and texts on the internet provide learners with a variety of materials to read and interact with.
however, there are sevenTips for teaching reading with CALL which are:

 Select CALL materials with appropriate reading texts means that the variety of electronic texts and CALL activities make it easy to find texts that are at the appropriate level of difficulty, that cover topics of interests to learners, and that include tasks that engage learners
What the research says: Krashen (1982) states that the language input that learners are exposed to should make them stretch their language knowledge just the right amount. This means: If the language in texts is too easy, the texts will not provide any language for them to learn. If the texts are too difficult, learners will become frustrated and again the text will not provide the opportunity for learning.
What the teacher can do; Teachers should keep learners fit when reviewing and selecting CALL materials. Teachers may select reading texts that are adapted to the level and interests of the students.

 Look for important words and phrases to be emphasized on the screen means that CALL programs should help by emphasizing particular aspects of the language lessons. In other words, the input must be made salient so the learner's attention will be directed to it.
What the research says: Schmidt (1992) argues that learners are more likely to learn vocabulary and grammar if they notice these forms in the texts they read. This can be done by Highlighting important words & phrases. Exposing learners to the word many times (input flood). Activities before and after reading.

 Provide learners with opportunities to interact with the computer for getting help with the language in the text means that Learners interact with the computer in CALL reading materials when they click on a phrase for help with meaning, select help from a menu to obtain grammar or cultural explanations, or respond to a question and receive feedback on that response. Such interaction before, during, and after reading is potentially valuable for second-language acquisition because they direct learners’ attention to language, raise awareness of what learners do not know, and provide learners with help in comprehending the language.
The research on interaction in reading is clear. The more interaction, the more likely the learner is to acquire and remember the language that is the focus of the interaction.
Teachers should look for CALL reading activities that provide interaction with the text. Explain to students how they can get help from the computer program, software, or website. Should assign interactive activities that accompany the text.

 Let the text on the screen spark interaction among learners means that Reading texts are a starting point in a series of activities. They provide the initial language and ideas that learners summarize, discuss, or formulate through writing or discussion. Learners can work together to check prediction, seek additional information and help, cut and paste the text to produce a glossary, and outline a new text.
Researchers find that the types of assistance learners receive in such reading-based conversations are valuable for their language development (Klingner & Vaughn, 2000). Research suggests that CALL activities are particularly interesting in this respect because the computer provides a dynamic contribution to the learners’ conversations.
Teachers can find CALL reading activities that lend themselves well to group reading and collaborative activity and provide pre-reading, reading, and post-reading activities. In such activities, guidance is needed to ensure that all members of the group participate. The teacher can look for CALL reading materials that include an option for students to post their opinions to a “discussion board”.

 Choose CALL materials that teach in English through reading means that the Learners read English for many different purposes, such as to find information, to enjoy a story, and to find out about current events. In an English class, the most important purpose of reading is to help learners increase their knowledge of English. For this purpose, teachers should choose CALL reading materials that explicitly teach language to the students.
Explicit teaching is better than simply letting students sink or swim on their own reading. Dekeyser (2003) found no evidence that exposure alone can positively affect learning. In reading, the research found that readers often do not guess correctly, and end up with a poor understanding of the text.
Look for CALL activities that provide explicit teaching and practice with the language they want students to learn from a text. If the CALL activity fails to include sufficient explicit teaching, the teacher should supplement the lesson by pre-teaching the form and including follow-up activities that focus on the vocabulary, syntactic structures, derivational affixes, and cohesive devices found in the text.

 Include the evaluation of learners’ comprehension and language knowledge means that the Teachers should look for two kinds of evaluation in CALL for reading:

  • Questions and other activities that provide feedback about correctness.

  • A summary score about performance that occurs at the end of a unit of instruction.
    Such evaluation should help learners and teachers make decisions about subsequent choices for instruction.
    What the research says: Feedback on individual responses is important for learning because it directs learners’ attention to parts of the reading that they do not understand, and therefore, such feedback helps to identify gaps in learners’ second-language knowledge (swain, 1998). Evaluation can be used to motivate students to study the material and guide them to review what they did not learn the first time.
    The teacher should plan to use evaluation included in CALL to complement the other forms of evaluation used in class. The teacher can also ask students to write down the responses that they answered incorrectly along with the correct ones. This helps learners spend more time reflecting on their errors, particularly in cases where the CALL program provides n explanations about incorrect responses.

 Help learners develop their strategies for reading online means that teachers should attempt to help learners develop not only good learning and reading strategies, but also the range of strategies required for reading and working with text online.
Research in this area is not very advanced. Warschauer (2000) points out that reading on the web means searching and evaluating the results of searchers, quickly scanning lists of results to decide if a search was successful, clicking on several of the results to look at them quickly, and finally, choosing one or more pieces that satisfy the search.
Teachers can help students develop strategies for reading in general, and for reading online as self-monitoring, skimming, scanning, restatement, and inference, and summarizing. Reading online strategies include: using dictionaries, using translation services, copying notes, and storing them in word processing files.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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