
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

In the second part, we are going to discuss the different method of observing cost in order to maintain the plan.The Conference Method
This aggregate strategy might be brought up the limit of cost keeping in mind the end goal to help the trading of the Istanbul association of a particular kind.The Account Analysis techniques are
o The Account Analysis Method
o The Industrial Engineering Method
o The Quantitative Analysis Method
o The Conference Method
The accounting analysis method
This method deals with different kinds of costs such as the variable cost, fixed cost, etc.It coordinates to the Celine Dion by surpassing the mystery information on the sheet and furthermore utilizing the regressive slide
with a specific end goal to discover the outcome.In this technique, individuals are looking at the information and give different sorts of proposal which is identified with cost and driver extension as partitioned some portion of the particular association identified with the Istanbul.In order to put forward Celine Dion, there are four basic methods to evaluate furthermore stating the fixed amount for Istanbul part of the company.For example, the movement is about 135000, if Mr. Celine needs to find out the downward amount which is associated with their agency, Tom ould want to follow this method in order to settle the amount and also the downward movement of the variable cost.Variable cost= Total cost - Total Fixed Cost and
Fixed cost = Total cost - Total variable cost
To add on this, we can say that the variable cost of each unit =downright variable cost TVC single move along the cost of units
Variable cost of all units= TVCL no finding any unit
The real unit will be 135000
The industrial engineering method
This process is best in making the direct material cost and less direct to the labor cost and also above the level of the big amount of any organization.It is likewise thought about the regression method.

النص الأصلي

In the second part, we are going to discuss the different method of observing cost in order to maintain the plan. There is need to be distinguishing the daily life which may require help to maintain the organization or not. Only one method can produce different results in a sense Tom’s continuing applying on a daily basis as considering the good selection of thickness. We are finding that Pablo is using these systems. In order to put forward Celine Dion, there are four basic methods to evaluate furthermore stating the fixed amount for Istanbul part of the company. The Account Analysis techniques are
• The Account Analysis Method
• The Industrial Engineering Method
• The Quantitative Analysis Method
• The Conference Method

The accounting analysis method
This method deals with different kinds of costs such as the variable cost, fixed cost, etc. there are ways of recording the numerous variable costs. The best way of doing it is by finding the right method. In order to follow the Tom’s quantitative actions is by using a large amount.
For example, the movement is about 135000, if Mr. Celine needs to find out the downward amount which is associated with their agency, Tom ould want to follow this method in order to settle the amount and also the downward movement of the variable cost. He can do this by participating in the primary organization.
After dividing the variable cost in form of downright move on the number of units, he will understand well that accounts move towards the variable cost to get good results.
Variable cost= Total cost – Total Fixed Cost and
Fixed cost = Total cost – Total variable cost
To add on this, we can say that the variable cost of each unit =downright variable cost TVC single move along the cost of units
Variable cost of all units= TVCL no finding any unit
The real unit will be 135000
The industrial engineering method
This process is best in making the direct material cost and less direct to the labor cost and also above the level of the big amount of any organization.
Dion will get advantage from this method while Istanbul will not be able to figure it out the cost of this unlike the previous production.
Other methods only depend on forming costs that are already in demand. In this method, the data can be collected in each day by technical experiments. They are benefiting lot in the estimation of the function which is related to the production since it depend on the availability of data, kinds of studies and series of real observation.
The Quantitative Analysis Method
This strategy is an arranged activity on the cost of limits by utilizing a to a great degree extensive estimation of particular information. There is utilizing a settled numerical strategy for the abilities to modify the cost with heaps of private cases comprising information. It is likewise thought about the regression method. In this technique, Dion needs particular focuses which are identified with the connected variable and cost driver variable. Toms required numerous days to proceed with this strategy while Dion comprehends an a issue alongside a connection to looking at the quantitative information. It coordinates to the Celine Dion by surpassing the mystery information on the sheet and furthermore utilizing the regressive slide
with a specific end goal to discover the outcome.

The Conference Method
This aggregate strategy might be brought up the limit of cost keeping in mind the end goal to help the trading of the Istanbul association of a particular kind. In this technique, individuals are looking at the information and give different sorts of proposal which is identified with cost and driver extension as partitioned some portion of the particular association identified with the Istanbul. They are for the most part isolating associating of the association related creation Branch. This procedure is helpful so as to make a precise division of the diverse segments of the association.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

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