
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

Trainer: There are lots of ways that a facility such as ours can become contaminated, and two of the biggest ways is through the poor personal hygiene of our workers and the poor food hygiene of our facility.If they manage our cooling facilities, they learn about the proper and improper time to store our products, which prevents germs from growing.These include using insecticide to kill bugs that contaminate our products and using temperature control throughout our facility to keep our products cold enough that bacteria cannot grow on our products.Workers in your position, however, will just be subject to regular inspection of work stations to ensure that germs are not at too high of a level.Trainer: There are specific hygiene practices that each employee can do at work to promote a healthy work environment.Trainer: Protecting our facility from germs carried by each employee is another big way we can reduce contamination.Trainer: By sanitizing your hands, germs will not be able to spread to other stations here at work.The design of our facilities tries to isolate each work station so that germs are kept from spreading as best as possible.Trainee: So I'll wash my hands after handling any tools, but what other ways is our facility designed to minimize germs?

النص الأصلي

Trainer: There are lots of ways that a facility such as ours can become contaminated, and two of the biggest ways is through the poor personal hygiene of our workers and the poor food hygiene of our facility. Today, I am going to teach you ways in which we can minimize both of these risks to our products. Trainee: I think I have good hygiene. I shower every day and wash my hands frequently. What more could I do to protect our products? Trainer: There are specific hygiene practices that each employee can do at work to promote a healthy work environment. Most are matters of personal behavior-getting in the habit of making healthy decisions, such as not wearing any jewelry on your hands, wrists, or neck in the work area. Trainee: I can remember to leave my wedding ring at home or in the car before coming into work. What else can I do? Trainer: Protecting our facility from germs carried by each employee is another big way we can reduce contamination. One such preventative measure is hand sterilization. Use our special hand soap to clean your hands after direct contact with any tool at your work station. Trainee: That will be a lot of handwashing, though. We use tools all the time. Trainer: By sanitizing your hands, germs will not be able to spread to other stations here at work. The design of our facilities tries to isolate each work station so that germs are kept from spreading as best as possible. Trainee: So I'll wash my hands after handling any tools, but what other ways is our facility designed to minimize germs? I don't think hand sterilization will keep out every germ. Trainer: No, it won't, which is why we have other measures. These include using insecticide to kill bugs that contaminate our products and using temperature control throughout our facility to keep our products cold enough that bacteria cannot grow on our products. Trainee: Is there a staff training session in which you will teach us more about all the ways to prevent germs? There are so many that it seems overwhelming. Trainer: We train our staff depending on their job position. If they manage our cooling facilities, they learn about the proper and improper time to store our products, which prevents germs from growing. Workers in your position, however, will just be subject to regular inspection of work stations to ensure that germs are not at too high of a level. Trainee: Well then, I will always make sure to leave my jewelry at home and use hand sterilization so that I can pass my next inspection!

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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