
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (100%)

the future is coming and some people believe it will be more surprising and more incredible than we can imagine read the ideas of three scientists in their own words and decide for yourself.we will be able to live to 1000 years old doctor Aubrey de grey is a gerontologist at the sens foundation in California he believes that people will soon be able to reach that age the human body is a machine that can be fixed as medicine becomes better and better we will almost certainly be able to beat ageing just as we can beat many diseases today I think we are already close to that point as we get older our cells become damaged through natural processes along with scientists around the world i am working on detailed plan to repair all types of damage to human cells they might be ready for humans in just20 years and then we will no longer die of old will probably live to be 1000 in excellent health in fact i think the first percentage to 1000might be 60 already and I think we 're unlikely to get bored if we live that people with a good education and time to use it never get bored

النص الأصلي

the future is coming and some people believe it will be more surprising and more incredible than we can imagine read the ideas of three scientists in their own words and decide for yourself.
we will be able to live to 1000 years old doctor Aubrey de grey is a gerontologist at the sens foundation in California he believes that people will soon be able to reach that age the human body is a machine that can be fixed as medicine becomes better and better we will almost certainly be able to beat ageing just as we can beat many diseases today I think we are already close to that point as we get older our cells become damaged through natural processes along with scientists around the world i am working on detailed plan to repair all types of damage to human cells they might be ready for humans in just20 years and then we will no longer die of old will probably live to be 1000 in excellent health in fact i think the first percentage to 1000might be 60 already and I think we 're unlikely to get bored if we live that people with a good education and time to use it never get bored

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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